
Google Chrome Plugin

Voice your opinion

Opino is a Google Chrome plugin that makes it easy to communicate with others on any website. With this plugin, you can create a dedicated chat window for each website you visit, allowing you to connect with other users and share your thoughts and opinions in real-time.

The beauty of Opino lies in its simplicity. Once installed, the plugin creates a small chat icon in your browser’s toolbar. By clicking on this icon, you can quickly access the Opino chat window and start communicating with other users on the website you are visiting. This means you can easily connect with others on a wide range of sites, including news sites, social media platforms, and online marketplaces.

One of the key benefits of Opino is that it allows you to communicate with others without leaving the website you are on. This means you can easily share your thoughts and ideas with others while still browsing the site. Additionally, Opino allows you to create private chat rooms, so you can connect with specific individuals or groups without anyone else being able to join.

Opino also offers a range of customization options to help you make the most of your chatting experience. You can choose from a variety of chat themes and styles, allowing you to create a chat window that suits your preferences. Additionally, Opino allows you to control notifications, so you can stay informed about new messages without being constantly bombarded with alerts.

Overall, Opino is a powerful tool for anyone who wants to connect with others on the web. With its intuitive design, powerful features, and customizable options, it is the perfect plugin for anyone who wants to engage with others in real-time. So why not give Opino a try today and start chatting with others on your favorite websites?